Sadly there was a lot of turbulence on the plane and we were all getting a bit queazy. Poor Amber was not feeling to hot at all and threw up  4 times. Great thing we were right by the bathroom.
We were so excited when we finally arrived at the airport! It was the best! Hayleys plane was supposed to get there about half an hour after we arrived, but her plane ended up coming 3 hours late. Poor Hayley. We were all dying to see her! So we ate Jambas and hung out till she got here! When Hayley arrived we were all soooo excited! With Hayley living in Ohio we dont get to see her as often as we would like. Next we got in our cab and headed to the hotel to check in! Mom got us hotel rooms at the Waldorf Astoria. It was a super fun hotel to stay at! We checked in and then we were starving!
Our first New York meal. The fabouls Shake Shack! This is one of my favorite places because the burgers are so fresh and the bread so chewy! Yum! We took a taxi ride from our hotel to upper east side Shake Shack and got ripped off with a 45 dollar cab ride. We learned our lesson, only take yellow cabs, or the great subway!
First subway ride all together! Hayley(8 months pregnant and never complained once!) Aubrey, Kelsey, Amber, Mama.
A packed subway ride! After a yummy dinner we headed down to Times Square to go see the fun night life!
Pit stop to Grand Central Station.
Everyone was loving looking around!
Trash day is coming. I think its great seeing all the trash on the sides of the street. Brings an old since of america back into life…
After a fun walk from Grand Central we made it to Times Square! First stop…must find the M&M factory!
Luckily we got there at midnight, when it closed..just in time to get some treats!
Mom loves her peanut M&Ms! I agree they are quite good!
Who knew there could be so much M&M memorabilia? Aubrey and I!
Where is Tuna?
Amber and I 🙂
Since it was such a nice night out we decided to walk back to our hotel! I was glad we did because it helped me remember a bit where things were. It has been so long since I lived in NY that I didn’t remember where anything was! Here we are at the Rockefellar Center.
All the Bang daughters! That night when we got back to our hotel, we all slept great, but we excited to party the next day! A great start to a wonderful trip!
Friday morning bright  read to roll! Picture inside the hotel lobby! First stop..breakfast at Magnolia Bakery. (Aubrey, Hayley, Mom, Cami, Kelsey, Amber)
Not going to lie, Magnolia bakery isnt that wonderful. Its ok, but not anything amazing at all. I like cupcakes out of a box better. But breakfast was good never the less! My sisters got yummy muffins and I got a red velvet cupcake.
Cute Cami eating her breakfast!
Eating our breakfast and getting ready to take the subway down to the 911 sites.
Here we have arrived at the 911 tribute site. These were where the buildings used to be. Scary.
Looking up at a new building being built.
A new building being built next to where the trade towers used to be.
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On our way over to the building with 911 memorabilia we took a pit stop at a grave yard to sit down and catch our breath. |
My sisters were the best! I know no kids were allowed on the trip, but I just couldn’t bear to leave Tuna. They were so good to him and made him feel really welcomed and loved. (Hayley, Tuna, Amber)
Beautiful Aubs!
Inside the tribute building there were all these missing pictures of those that died in the trade towers or ones that were never even found. It was so sad and overwhelming to see all the pictures. There were so many! Wow.
Saw some items that were found amongst all the chaos of the towers falling. The bunny was so sad it made me cry.
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This was huge piece of metal from the tower bent like it was nothing. That was scary to me. |
Pictures of those that died. So sad. There are so many pictures. So overwhelming. I didn’t realize what a huge place the trade centers were with daycares, shopping, offices, ext. It wasn’t just parents that died, families did.
Cool cranes hanging from the celling.
Looking at the 911 sites were quite sad. We were taking a brake hanging out on the side walk.
Right next door was a fire station and we saw a fire truck pull out.
Tuna ready to ride the subway! I like riding the subways on afternoons because it is nice and peaceful.
Grabbing a pretzel as we walk to our next destination.
Next stop…to ride the BEAST! A boat ride to take us to see the Statue of Liberty! Since we were there for only a short time, we didn’t have time to do everything, so we decided to take a boat to see the Statue of Liberty instead of doing that tour with Ellis Island.
Oh yes when we got on the boat ready to take off, they told Hayley she could not come! That was so sad! I really wanted her to come! We read no where this was a crazy ride and pregnant women could not come. Well, after the ride we found out why….we were not warned about a couple other things as well…
Mom and Cami getting ready to take off. Look how lovely and dry they look.
You cant tell here, but we just got soaked! The driver flipped the boat aroud and we all got drenched! I was so glad I had a water proof camera!
The one and only…Lady Liberty! Defiantly a great site to see!
Well, after we saw the Statue of Liberty and dried off, we were about to dock the boat and the driver got us soaking wet again! Wowzers! But lets be made it really fun! We were all laughing so hard and it made it a funner story to tell!
We were all wet after the ride, and Hayley was surprised! Probably made her not to sad she missed the boat ride after that!
yum….This made us really hungry, so we went to eat lunch and somehow ended up at Applebees of all places! But in Times Square it is all chain food mostly. It was still fun and good. (Hayley and Cami and there beef phili cheese steak……)
Next on the list.. The wax museum! So we all thought this would be fun, but lets say this was seriously one of our highlights of the trip, we had so much fun!
Kim Kardashian. She was very short/little and that surprised me. But she was really nice.
Amber and Leo
Edward (dont know his real name) and Hayley
Tupac and Tuna = friends for life!
My favorite pirate man in the world!
Tuna and Gandhi
Tuna and Bill
Tuna and Rosa Parks
Tuna and Ab.
I dont know who this man was, but he looked really real.
My favorite actress of all time! “I Love Lucy” will always be one of my all time favorite shows!
The Beatles
Tina Turner
We miss you MJ
Spice girls for life!
Simon Says……
The wax museum had a fun candy section towards the end. It was nice to get a quick treat and finish the tour!
They had cool tables filled with candy. It was a nice background for a picture with Tuna.
One thing I love about Cami is she loves candles and cozyness. She wanted us all to smell and enjoy the candle scents.
Tuna and Lady Gaga
Cute Cami and Miley
Yes, yes, Tuna has Beiber Fever.
Oh no, Hayley don’t get crushed!
Aubs, Hayley, Spongebob, Kelsey, Cami
On this trip we ended up taking pictures of Tuna with everything because of an on going joke. He just made every picture look so cute and we were all cracking up putting him in everything, on everyone and every where. Tuna is such a good sport! Next on the list is to make a “Where’s Tuna Book?”….
Back to Time Square to go to the Harry Potter Muesum. We realized we were short on time, so once we got there, we turned around and started walking to the hotel!
On our way back to the hotel we made a pit stop and got some pizza! Then we hurried and got ready and rushed to get to Mama Mia! Some of us walked, and the pregnant and wounded took a limousine ride there! Lucky ducks! 🙂
Getting ready for the play to start! We all loved it and had fun! It was a good play but it is not like other plays with huge play set changes and tons of costume changes. But the music was fun and we all ended up dancing around the play and singing along at the end! Fun!
After a fun time at the play we headed over to the Rocakfeller Center to go to the “Top of the Rock!”
Top of the Rock! Taking elevator and escalator rides to the top of the building.
Checking out the view! Time to go higher, and higher up the building!
We all really liked the view and enjoyed our time checking out the NY skyline! Aubrey said it was her favorite thing we did this trip:) I agree it was lovely!
I liked this picture because Hayley looks like a cute unicorn.
After a great time, we were all starving since it was 12:30am.. we headed to Union Square where I used to live and went to one of my favorite restaurants! Max Brenner Chocolate by the Bald Man! Seriously the food, desserts, it is all fantastic! And the display always looks appetizing.
We all enjoyed our meal and are now ready for some delicious dessert!
Everyone shared a delicious fondue and I was bad and got my own dessert below!
Roasting marshmallows !
Oh this dessert is one of my favorites! So yummy and rich! I think after two bites I was overloaded by chocolate, but somehow I managed to finish it up..
Talk about a super yummy meal! I got a fruit granola cup and a chocolate crassont! It was delicious!
Cami and Amber eating breakfast out side on a lovely morning.
After a great breakfast we had a great walk down to Central Park. I love the churches, random art, and great stuff to look at while walking. Never can be board in NY.
Walking by Central Park we got to see all the horse and carriages.
June 27, 2011WOW KELS! FUNEST. TRIP. EVER!!!! I would love to take a girls trip to NY! (well really- any trip to NY, I've never been, LOL) But you and your sisters are so stunning! Sometimes I was having trouble telling them apart from you, you all are beautiful! 🙂