Stacey and Megan came over in the evening to start our Donkey Kong Marathon! We ate Digorno Pizza and Cookies and it was the best this ever! I am defiantly buying tons of Digorno Pizza and Cookie boxes from now on! We ate junk food all night, had a blast talking and having fun,but most importantly….playing Donkey Kong. Stacey didn’t realize how serious Megan and I were when we played and I think we scared her a little bit. She didn’t know that we consider this game a sport.
Stacey left around 11, because she was going to hike Timp at 4am, so Megan and I watched Hocus Pocus. What a great movie! We were laughing so hard the whole time! We tried watching Gremlins, but it just wasn’t working for our mood. Hocus Pocus was where the magic was at. Then we fell asleep and then woke up in the morning and played more Donkey Kong! It was such a fun sleep over! Watching Hocus Pocus also got me super excited for Halloween! I LOVE holiday season!
On that top Left picture, the cute dog jumping there is jumping 60 inches high! That is so high! He just jumps from a short running start and goes for it! I think he could win the high jump in the olympics.
This was an amazing day! We got to have the funnest day ever! I am not ready for summer to end! This was an awesome Labor Day! I was grateful Jake had the day off and we were able to play together, and spend some time with his parents.
What do you think?