Is anyone else out there a big Oreo fan? Have you tried the Mega Stuf yet!? I am curious to know what you thought about them! I have heard mixed reviews! And I actually had mixed feelings after trying them! I was so excited when I saw somone instagram a picture of these new limited addition Oreo’s! I went right out and bought a bag to see how Jake and I liked them! I have a bit of an obsession with Oreos and like to eat at least a bag of them a week! I am normally a double stuffed Oreo girl, and I think I always will be.
The Mega Stuffed was like one double stuffed and one regular oreo filling amount all together. I was surprised after eating the Mega Stuffed, because I thought I was going to love these.
With Milk: Sadly it was too much filling for me. It wasn’t an even balance of cookie vs. stuffing. Therefore….double stuffed is the life for me. In the milk, the stuffing was to strong.
With out Milk: I was shocked when I tried the cookie without milk and really liked it. Eating the cookie with no milk actually changed my first thoughts about this mega stuf cookie. I really enjoyed the cookie by its self. I would say this cookie is a stand alone. It does not need any milk accompaniment. Do enjoy milk in with my oreo though, so I could only eat a few without milk.
I would say a benefit to the Mega Stuffed Oreo is that after 3-4 Oreos I litterlly cant eat any more for a few hours because the taste is so powerful and my mouth has a lot of creme to chew. So that could be a benefit to some self control there, where as double stuffed I can eat an entire bag in one sitting and not realize it till the Oreo’s are gone…Which I frequently enjoy doing… 
Do you know what I wish Oreo would start doing? You know how at holiday times they come out with cute colored Oreo fillings? Making a double stuffed option along with the regular. The cute colors get me every time but I dont enjoy a regular creme filled oreo unless its double stuffed!
Whats some of your favorite Oreo products?
M Bryan
March 1, 2013I thought that they were the best Oreos yet. Not being a milk lover anyway, I loved all of the extra stuff. Going to try the spring Oreo next.
February 24, 2013literally finished my first bag of Megas a few minutes ago and i think you nailed the review. I too was shocked that I enjoyed an Oreo without milk. I still liked it in the milk but think Double Stuf still wears the crown!
jes @ twosmuppies
February 24, 2013i went with the heads or tails double stuff and those were perfect! i was kind of afraid of getting the mega stuff because i didn't want it to be super overwhelming.
February 24, 2013Oh man. I am a HUIUUUGE Oreo fan, have been all my life. Someone got me a package of Oreos for my birthday once. Such a great present. Baha! I looooooooved these! Regular Oreos? So not enough filling. Double stuff is way better and I love them, but sometimes I want a bit more. Bring on the meeegaaaa
February 23, 2013you are seriously too cuuute!! so glad i met you today & so that i could find your blog
we're getting together again soon!
ps i think its hilarious that you and sasha are practically neighbors haha
pps tuna needs an instagram
February 23, 2013um what ^ they have birthday cake oreos? how do I get some of those in my mouth asap?
:: ashley ::
February 23, 2013i agree! they were a bit much- but have you tried the birthday cake oreos? YUM town.
December 16, 20241