5 Reasons Why Disney+ Is Worth The Money

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Wondering if Disney+ is worth the money!? Today we are sharing 5 reasons why we love Disney+ and would recommend it.

5 Reasons Why We Love Disney+

Right when we heard about Disney+ we signed up right away. Jake and I are HUGE Disney fans and knew we were all for a Disney streaming service. After months of use, we have become big Disney+ fans and wanted to share 5 reasons why we think Disney+ is worth the money.

Original Content Just For Subscribers

If you are a big Disney fan, then this would be a great bonus of having Disney+. There are lots of Disney+ original movies and tv shows. There is one TV Show though……we have been extra excited about!

Today (Friday, October 30th) we are so excited the 2nd season of The Mandalorian comes out! We loved the first season and can’t wait for the 2nd one. Jake is a big Star Wars fan, so right away he knew he wanted to watch this show. He loves it, and I do to! Can’t wait to see what happens next….. Baby Yoda anyone?!??!!?

Unlimited Disney Magic

You can watch all your favorites whenever you want! Remember back in the day when movies would come out of the Disney vault, but if you missed buying the movie you would have to wait till it came out of the vault again. No more waiting! You can watch all your favorite classic movies, tv shows and all the new stuff anytime you want!

More Than Just Disney

Pixar, National Geographic, Star Wars, Marvel, etc.! Here is a list of all the exclusive content plus, whats available on Disney+. There are so many great options, and lots of great family options too!

Bang For Your Buck

Out of all the streaming services, Disney+ is the most affordable at $6.99 a month (or $70 a year paid upfront). Plus it gives you up to 4 tv’s you can stream from, which is more than any other streaming service. For the cost and content provided, it is a great value. We don’t have any other streaming subscriptions because we love Disney+ so much.

Family Friendly Content

One thing I love about Disney+ is there is great content for anyone in the family! Jake and I have tried other streaming services and started a few shows realizing it was not content we wanted played in our home. It’s nice to know with Disney+ I am not worried my girls are going to watch something I wouldn’t want them exposed to. I feel like there is obviously content that is too action packed for their age, and need to be aware of that kinda stuff, but ya know what I mean 🙂


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Jake: PJ Top | PJ Bottoms

Girls PJ’S: Baby Yoda Hat | PJ’s

Thanks so much for stopping by today for 5 reasons why we think Disney+ is worth the money. Do you have Disney+? Are you a fan?! I would love to hear your review in the comments below.

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5 Reasons Why Disney+ Is Worth The Money