Coming to Maryland to visit Jakes family was a blast! We got to do lots of sight seeing, playing with family, and don’t forget, lots of gooood eating! This picture was taken at the Jefferson Memorial. We arrived in DC early morning and it was quite brisk out, but that made it good so we kept moving and looking around.
This was over by the Benjamin Franklin exhibit. I think he likes his dog. The sun was starting to come out, and bringing some beautiful clouds into the sky. In grass fields there would be tall green stalks, and we found out that they were green onions! They tasted good. The crows thought so to.
After watching “night at the Museum” I have been wanting to see Mr. Lincoln to see if he would really walk around. He didn’t, but I think it was because it was early and he was still sleeping.
Looking out the Lincoln memorial. “The Lincoln Memorial is an American memorial built to honor the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. It is located on the National Mall in D.C, and was dedicated May 30th, 1922. The architect was Henry Bacon (great last name and food), the sculptor of the main statue was Daniel Chester French, and the painter of the interior murals was Jules Guerin. It is one of the several monuments built in honor an American President. The memorial has been th3e site of many famous speeches,including Martin Luther Kings”I Have a Dream” speech, delivered on Aug. 28, 1963 during the rally at the end of the March of Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” (wikipedia, Lincoln Memorial)
Jake and his cute mom in-front of the Lincoln Memorial.
A diving duck. This was no ordinary diving duck either. His bum was continually in the air for a long extended period of time. There must of been something good at the bottom of the water. “Duck is the common name for a number of species in the Anatidae family of birds. Ducks exploit a variety of food sources such as grasses,aquatic plants, fish, insects, small amphibians, worms, and small molluscs. Diving ducks and sea ducks forage deeeeeep underwater. To be able to submerge more easily, the diving ducks are heavier than dabbling ducks, and therefore have more difficulty taking off to fly. Dabbling ducks feed on the surface of water or on land, or as deep as they can reach by up-ending without completely submerging. Along the edge of the beak there is a comb like structure called a pecten. This strains the water squirting from side of the beak and traps any food. The pecten is also used to preen feathers.” (wikipeida, ducks)
Arizona is the holy lands AKA the best place ever.
Jake and the stars.
The original Kermit! Ever since he sang the “rainbow” song, I have always loved Kermit.
We tried to be really serious for this picture. Being serious in pictures is one of my talents in life.
The bottom of the American History Museum had lots of fun food options to choose from! Of course Jake and I decided to eat some “American” type food like, chicken fingers and collard greens. Don’t forget the pickles either! I think loving pickles is one thing that helped Jake and I decide that dating each-other could be a good option.

The giraffe is related to other even-toed ungulates, such as deer and cattle, but is placed in a separate family, the Giraffidae, consisting of only the giraffe and its closest relative, the okapi. Its range extends from Chad in Central Africa to South Africa. Giraffes usually inhabit savannas, grasslands, or open woodlands. However, when food is scarce they will venture into areas with denser vegetation. They prefer areas with plenty of acacia growth. They will drink large quantities of water when available, which enables them to live for extended periods in dry, arid areas. (wikipedia, giraffe)

A great adventure!

May 30, 2010WHEW!! THAT WAS A LONG POST! But so worth it! I felt like I was in Maryland with you 🙂 What a great trip and what a great family to take you all around to all the hot spots! your poor knee-Looks like you'll have another giant scar to join your others. The animal pictures and "one piece bangs" gave me a good laugh too! I jealous of your sweeeet trip! So fun kels!