In DC I got to spend some time going to some neat museums. I went to the National Gallery of Art and was surprised and happy to see they had a Picasso section set up on display!
I like to walk through museums. They are neat.
Picassos self portrait of himself.
Picassos work is not my favorite, but I do think his skills were amazing! All the techniques he did and structure in his drawings are amazing. I am super impressed the things he was able to do and create without modern technology. So, I do think he is a great artist, I think I just like paintings of landscapes for my home more 🙂
When I left the museum there was a cute squirrel running around. He was so excited he found some food! What a cutie 😉
Washington DC
Courtney B
April 1, 2012My husband is dying to get out of town and go visit some museums! DC would be the perfect place for that!
April 1, 2012i got my picasso action on this weekend too!
except, it was a sculpture at the portland art museum.
and i would have rather hung out with that squirrel.
xx jes