Sharing our 15 week update being pregnant with twins! Everything from the lows to the highs, including what we are looking forward to!
Can I just say how much I LOVE being pregnant?!?! It makes me so happy see the bump grow! I honestly didn’t know if I would experience being pregnant in my life, and so I am trying to soak everyday in and live it up. It’s been so fun to look at these pictures for me and think we are going from a family of 3 to 5 this year! Wahoo!
The second trimester so far has been off to an interesting and exciting start. Doing IVF there a lot of appointments to go to get pregnant. When you first find out you’re pregnant there are a lot of appointments to check on the first stages of pregnancy. It’s been a really weird transition not having appointments every week or two. Anytime Jake and I get to go to an appointment we really look forward to it and hearing the twins heartbeats.
Week 11 I got sick with a cold that lasted about 2 weeks. At 13 weeks we had a really big scare with the babies. It honestly was the scariest day of my life. The doctor as well as Jake and I thought we potentially lost the babies, but an ultrasound showed they were both kicking and doing great! That adventure all resulted in a a week of bed rest and then continuing to take things easy. Since then I have had a few appointments every week. Luckily everything is great now and back to normal. We feel so grateful the babies as well as myself are doing good!
This 2nd trimester so far has really made me realize just how precious these babies are and how I am so grateful for them. I can’t wait to be a mama and for these babies to continue to grow healthy and strong. They are our little troopers already!

15 Weeks Prego
How Far Along?
We are 15 weeks along aka 3 months and 3 weeks! Pregnancy has been going by quickly, so I am trying to take in every moment I can! Secretly though I want it to go by fast! I just can’t wait to meet these babies in October!
Current Symptoms?
Honestly I feel super lucky and have felt really great so far physically-wise. Mentally-wise I have felt super lazy during pregnancy. Like full on nesting mode! It’s been odd for me feeling unmotivated, but grateful to be able to work from home and work at odd hours! With sickness and bed rest too, I have been mentally trying to take it easy and not stress.
Funny Pregnancy Moment?
Forgetfulness!! Is that a thing?!?! hahha I keep forgetting little details like the camera bag on the way to take photos…. or put my rain boots on the wrong feet accidentally! Luckily Jake is super patient and we have had some good laughs together!
Outfit Details
HIS LOOK- Suit: Jcrew | Shirt: Nordstrom | Tie: Jcrew | Socks: Nordstrom | Shoes: Cole Haan
HER LOOK- Dress: Asos | Sandals: Marc Fisher | Lipstick: Colourpop-Ariel | Purse: Kate Spade | Headband: VeryShine

Weight Gain?
To be honest, I have no idea my current weight status! I am quite sure the answer is YES to weight gain, but I have not stepped on a scale since over a month ago. I haven’t really cared about the weight so far but I am sure when I step on the scale I’ll be in for a treat 🙂
Maternity Clothes?
Oh yeah! I ordered some denim jeans and shorts from Old Navy Maternity. The weather has gotten warmer out so I have also been wearing lots of dresses with some stretch and flow to them! Wahoo for nice weather outside! Bring on the maternity clothes!
Food Cravings?
Food Cravings… more like some serious food aversions! There is not a lot of food that sounds good to me to eat. The only thing that really sounds good is carbs, so I have been eating more than my fair share of those 🙂 My favorite cucumbers and tomatoes are no longer my favorites at this time! Every time I see them I want to barf! I miss my veggies and fruit though, so I am trying to get more of those down! Especially since I know they are so good for the babies too!

These past few weeks of sleep have been great! When I first got pregnant I would need to go to the bathroom 4+ times a night. Now it’s about 1 time a night, and it has made sleeping awesome! I ended up taking the pregnancy pillow I got back, but want to find a new one. Sleeping on my back is my favorite so I want to find something that helps me stay on my sides.
Still a mystery! We actually find out really soon, but are having the nurse put the news in an envelope. Jake and I are going to do a gender reveal party and want to be surprised at the party too!
Our guesses?! From heartbeat rates Jake is guessing both babies are girls. From my symptoms I am guessing both babies are boys! We honestly are so excited to start our family, we would be so happy with any genders!
Something We Are Looking Forward To?
Trips! Jake was so cute and planned a few fun adventures for us. To be honest, adventures are just what I need right now to get out of the house and go have some fun! I have a girls trip to Walt Disney World, then come home for a day and leave to Shanghai with Jake! He planned a fun babymoon adventure to Shanghai Disneyland! We have really been looking forward to that.
Best Pregnancy Moment So Far?
Going to appointments and checking in on the babies. It has been so fun watching them grow! They have gone from little dots to full on babies with arms and legs! It has been amazing to see them develop and get big!
April 22, 2019this was just adorable to read to be honest! congrats!!! im 22(23 in a couple of days), not a mother nor thinking about that anytime soon but this was a joy to read hahaha is that weird?
xoxo <3
April 23, 2019You are glowing!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Candice Sandler
April 23, 2019Can’t wait to see the little ones!
Candice x
April 24, 2019Congratulations!! I only have the one baby and she has just turned one but having twins will be such a blessing (and sometimes a little bit of a nightmare I’m sure but mostly the blessing part). I bet you’re super excited to start buying all the clothes. You look glowing in your photos
Katie xx
April 25, 2019Twins! That is so exciting, congrats! I love these photos, nothing beats cherry blossoms in the springtime and your dress is just gorgeous.
Chic on the Cheap
April 25, 2019Congratulations beautiful, I’m so happy for you. You look amazing .
Nina’s Style Blog
April 27, 2019Wow, 15 weeks already?! Time sure does fly by but you got it right to soak it all in. Before you know it, the twins will be here. Shanghai Disney sounds like a lot of fun and a perfect place for a babymoon! I can’t wait to hear the details and you are glowing. Love your beautiful dress, it looks great on you.
Maureen |
jodie filogomo
April 28, 2019This is so exciting Kelsey!! I love that you guys laugh about the forgetfulness…because it’s life!!
As for food aversions….eeek!! That’s kinda funny too..
May 2, 2019Such beautiful photos! You look radiant and I love your dress!
I had cravings for hula hoops and strawberry icecream when I was pregnant!
Julia x
May 3, 2019you are glowing ! can’t wait to see your little ones!
May 5, 2019I just loved reading your post and seeing you that glowing!
May 5, 2019This is just lovely to read dear! So happy and excited for you two!
Jessica |
May 6, 2019Pregnancy looks so good on you !
You guys look so happy it makes me smile reading your article
May 8, 2019You are the happiest pregnant woman ever!! I love these updates, there are exciting to read. Beautiful photos, I am loving your dress!
xx, Elise
Avengers End Game Jackets
May 29, 2019Oh you both look so adorable, all the pictures and their background are super cool. Waiting for more pictures below