20 Week- Twin Pregnancy Bump Update

I just have to say, these past few weeks have been my favorite part of pregnancy so far! Today I am excited to share with you why and a little 20 week pregnancy update on our twin girls!

20 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

How Far Along?

Can you believe we are 5 months in and more than halfway through this pregnancy?!! Wowie! It’s so crazy to think in just a few short months we will be holding our precious twins! Their due date is October 15th, but the doctors have told us to have our hospital bags packed by September 1st. We are hoping the babies stay till in my belly till October 1st!

Current Symptoms?

Super grateful that I am still feeling really great! I am shocked at how I have felt so good walking 8+ miles a day from some recent travels to Orlando and Shanghai. Overall I am feeling good and happy!

Have We Felt The Babies?

Not yet! Luckily both babies placentas are on towards my back side and not blocking the belly. That means we should be able to start to feel both babies here in the next few weeks!

Weight Gain?

Alright, I finally stepped on a scale at my last doctors appointment! I really have not cared about weight gain because I know with caring twins it is going to happen. Instead I have been focusing on trying to eat healthy and frequently for babies. In totally since we had started IVF I have gained 21 pounds. The doctor said I was right on target with weight gain at this point. When I asked him what I should expect to gain over the pregnancy he said anywhere from 35-55 pounds.

Food Cravings?

Surprisingly I still have quite a lot of food aversions. Not much sounds good to me to eat. I have been enjoying lately a big bowl of strawberries, a plate of meat or some wheat toast! Pretty much anything carbs and meat is constantly calling my name!


Sleep has been good! The first part of pregnancy I wasn’t sleeping super well, and this stage has been great! Less bathroom breaks in the middle of the night has been awesome! I think with my belly getting bigger I have been able to get more comfortable at night time too. Sleep affects me so much, so I am so grateful for lots of good nights of rest!


Twin Girls!!! Can you believe it!!!?? I am still in shock and still so excited! Jake is going to be the best dad ever and I can’t wait to see our little girls adore him!

What Type Of Twins?

The fun thing is our baby girls are fraternal twins! So they will most likely look more like sisters 🙂 They are a type of twins called di di twins which means the each have their own placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic sac. They only thing they share right now is the same womb.

20 Week Ultrasound Appointment

A unique thing about twins is you get 2 doctors! You visit your OB as well as a High Risk Doctor about every 4 weeks. I like to stager my appointments so we get to check on the babies about every 2-3 weeks. Every time we get to check on the twins, it makes me so happy! They are growing so strong and doing so great! Now they are getting so big it’s hard to see both twins in the same ultrasound picture!

Baby A and Baby B are are currently right on target for growth. They are weighing 9oz each, heart rate of 151, and wiggly little babes on the ultrasounds! They are so cute to me already and it makes me so happy they are both doing so great!

Twin Nursery?

Well, we took the plunge and designed the entire nursery! Eek!! Honestly planning out the nursery was mentally a lot for me. Jake was sweet and could tell I was stressed about it and went ahead and ordered all the furniture and supplies. I am not sure what it was about it all, but grateful for it to be done on that end! When I think about it, I just can’t wait to meet these baby girls, so a nursery seemed last on the list to me (plus they will be in their SNOO bassinets the first 6 months). But I know it will be great to have nursery for changing diapers and just so the girls can have a place of their own.

We ordered everything from Pottery Barn Kids and I can’t wait to see how it all comes together when the items arrive! Jake and I would like to have more kids down the road, so we tried to pick out gender neutral items that we can use again for future babes. We are going to use a fun wallpaper and cute accessories to girl up the room! It will be a bit of a woodland animal themed room. I am glad we ordered everything now because the rocker we are getting made isn’t supposed to be delivered until the beginning of August! We ended up going with 2 cribs as well! Wahoo for twins 🙂

Something We Are Looking Forward To?

We can’t wait to feel the babies move! Jake keeps putting his hand on my belly and hoping he feels the babies kicking around. In all their ultrasounds they are dancing around, so it will be fun to feel them dancin soon.

Also… Baby showers! Is that ok to say?!?!? hahah I just can’t wait to share all the excitement and fun with loved ones. We have felt we have had so many people cheering us on and part of this journey with us; I can’t wait to celebrate all together.

Whats Next?

I signed up for 3 online breastfeeding courses, as well as an in person class later in June. Jake and I also are going to be doing some hypnobirthing classes! That should be a good time too! While we have the time, we want to learn and study all we can before these babies come! Jake has been listening to lots of parenting books on audio. His favorite so far is How To Raise Successful People by Esther Wojcickai.

Best Pregnancy Moment?

There has been a lot of great moments so far, but there are 3 that stick out in my mind from these past few weeks!

  1. Traveling to Shanghai with Jake and going on an early babymoon! We had just found out the genders (well I surprised Jake on the plane with the babies genders). It was fun to think about names and how we want to be as parents.
  2. The gender reveal party was a blast! We loved being able to share the news and excitement about twin baby girls with our friends and family.
  3. At our 20 week ultrasound, as we left our High Risk doctor said something super cute! He said “Take care of your daughters.” Ahhhh daughters?!?!?!??!? Wow that really put things into perspective! 2 Girls, we can’t wait!
  4. Ok I thought of another one… I LOVE seeing my belly grow! It really makes me sooooo happy! And Jake too! He has been so cute and is so obsessed with my belly. Every night he reads books that we have collected on our travels to the twins and puts lotion on my belly. My favorite way to end a night!


Outfit Details

HER LOOK- Dress: Old Navy | Headband: Etsy | Shoes: ShopDisney | Lipstick: Colourpop- Ariel

HIS LOOK- Shirt: All Saints | Pants: Urban Outfitters | Shoes: Nike

Thanks so much for stopping by today for our 20 week twin pregnancy update. We can’t thank you enough for your love and support during this exciting journey! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

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20 Week- Twin Pregnancy Bump Update