How Far Along?
24 weeks along in this twin pregnancy! How crazy is that?!?!? So wild we are officially 6 months down, and only a few more left to go! Feeling super grateful to be at this point! When I looked at a pregnancy app I like to follow it said the babies are about the size of cantaloupes right now! WHOOOOOOAH! 2 cantaloupes in my stomach, how wild is that! The girls are no longer our little gummy bears anymore!
Current Symptoms?
I am amazed how much I am loving being pregnant! Feeling super grateful that my body is adapting well and loving this whole pregnancy thing! The only symptom I have really been having lately is swelling in my feet/ankles. If I stand on my feet for a few hours they start to swell, but that is about it for symptoms!
Have We Felt The Babies?
Kind of! They are just barely starting to make a move. This past week I have been feeling the babies a few little kicks a day, but not a ton. I can’t wait till they start wiggling around all day! That will be so fun! When I feel them its mostly a bump of a head or the girls switching to a more comfortable position. I thought the girls didn’t have a ton of room to be moving around, but at my last doctors appointment we discovered Baby A went from head down and completely flipped around to head up! I guess they are having fun in there. On the ultrasound we saw both babies spooning each other. It was pretty cute! I love seeing that they are friends in the womb and hope that continues their entire lives!

Weight Gain?
Of course! Thats part of the fun and excitement of being pregnant right!? π I have only stepped on the scale when I go to appointments and missed what it said last time when I was there. So not sure up until this point what I have gained. Guessing it’s around 25 poundsish.
Surprisingly no cravings still except for wanting lots of protein and carbs. One easy protein source I have been enjoying is FitJoy protein bars. They are super yummy, gluten free/grain free, and have no artificial flavors/sweeteners in them, which I really appreciate! My favorite flavors I have tried so far are Cookies & Cream and Grandma’s Lemon Square. If you are looking for a yummy protein bar, I would totally recommend trying FitJoy. You can find them online on their site as well as Amazon.
Sleep is going good! Our mattress was getting a bit uncomfortable, so we took the foam mattress pad off of one of our guest beds and put it on our master bed. It’s really helped get a better nights rest. I also have a mini pillow I got from our plane flight home from Shanghai that I love. It’s the perfect pillow size to adjust my belly or stick between my legs if I am laying on my side!
24 Weeks Ultra Sound Appointment
Baby A and Baby B are right on target! I am so proud of these baby girls for working so hard on growing and developing.

Twin Nursery
We won’t be able to put the girls nursery together till beginning of August since we have lots of company coming in town this summer. Our guest room will be turning into a nursery after the guests have returned home. Almost all the nursery furniture has arrived except the rocker and bassinets. I need to order the wallpaper too! Until August we will have baby furniture and baby supplies hidden in random places throughout the house! haha When we put the nursery together and have all the twin’s things in one room it will be so great! Their nursery is going to be a woodland creatures room with forest green, ivory and blush pink accents. I am so excited for when we can put the cribs together, I think that will start to make things feel super real!
I still need to pick up organizing baskets, pillows and a few little things like that for the space. Those items I added to our baby registry and I was thinking once all the baby showers are over, and we get the furniture in the nursery, I’ll go pick up that stuff as needed.
Highlights From The Month
- Feeling the babies move! I really didn’t feel a good “kick” from the babies till 23 weeks. It’s been so fun. Jake has felt them move a little bit, but we are so excited for when they start moving a ton so Jake can feel them too.
- Babymoon to Jackson Hole! We are thinking we might just need to do a babymoon every month till the babies get here! haahha It’s just so fun! Jackson Hole is one of our all time favorite places to visit and we are so grateful we got to play there before the babies come. We can’t wait to take the girls there once they are a few years old!

Whats Next?
Next week we meet with our High Risk Doctor. I love being able to check on the girls anytime we can! We have a great team that has been keeping track of the twins and making sure they are doing great!
With the girls coming soon, we have been on a kick doing some serious spring cleaning! Jake’s mom has been so sweet and has come over and helped us with this too! She is great at organizing and going through things so it has been awesome! We have been working on going through all our storage boxes, closets and simplifying before the twins arrive. I can’t wait to do a big yard sale! It feels so good to clean up and get organized!
Jake and I also need to start diving into more of the breastfeeding courses we purchased. We have done most of the first course but have 2 more to go through after. I asked Jake if he would learn with me because I know with twins I am going to need a lot of help with my goals for feeding the babes. Especially if I need to get a c-section. I am hoping the girls will be in the right positions for a vaginal birth, but if they are not, I want to have all our bases covered and be on the same page!
Outfit Details:
HIS LOOK- Blazer: Jcrew |Pants: Jcrew | Shirt: Nordstrom | Tie: Jcrew | Shoes: Cole Haan
HER LOOK- Headband: Etsy | Dress: Asos | Shoes: Cole Haan | Lipstick: Colourpop- Ariel

What We Are Looking Forward To?
July is going to be an exciting month! Why??!?! Vegas Baby!!! Three babymoons is a thing right?!?!?!? We had a work trip planned to California and we were planning on stopping in Vegas for a few days on our way home. Our work trip ended up being canceled, but we had already book our adventures in Vegas so we decided to still go for it! I am so excited to go have some pool time and great food!
Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays next to Halloween, so I am soooo excited for that! Our area has so many amazing activities to do for the occasion so those will be fun to go out and explore! I am a little nervous about all the fireworks with our dog Zeke. This is our first 4th with him. Loud noises are not his thing, so we’ll need to figure out how to comfort him during fireworks time!
We also have lots of family coming to visit this month! My sister Cami and her family is coming and my sister Hayley and her family are coming too! Having family come stay with us is my favorite thing in the world, and I can’t wait to play with them all! I have been planning some fun bbq meals and activities that should be a good time!
We are also going to be doing our yard sale so that should be fun! It’s been years since I have done one, so this should be fun! Going through all of our items, we have a ton for sale so hopefully there will be a good turn out when we have the sale!
I also have some seriously sweet friends and family putting together a baby shower for me and the girls this month. That will be so fun, and I can’t wait to celebrate the girls with everyone!
Thanks for stopping by today for an update on the twins! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Thank you FitJoy for introducing me to your awesome products and collaborating in this post.
June 27, 2019Your bump is so cute! Very gorgeous dress too.
xx Simone
Little Glittery Box
June 27, 2019You look fabulous and I love your pleated dress!
Kisses, Paola.
Kathrine Eldridge
June 27, 2019So glad things are going well with the pregnancies! You look lovely in this dress.
evi erlinda
June 27, 2019Beautiful twins pregnancy!!
aditi oberoi malhotra
June 28, 2019So happy for you, hon! Congratulations to you both. You look amazing.
Adi xx | http://www.fancycorrectitude.com
June 28, 2019You are glowing!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
June 28, 2019wow, you are going stronger. You both look amazing
June 28, 2019Omg 24 weeks already? Where has the time gone? You look so radiant
Candice x
June 28, 2019Oh my gosh you are just the cutest! Congratulations on everything. Xo, Ellese
June 28, 2019You look really lovely <3
xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY
June 28, 2019So nice that you’re enjoying your pregnancy. Looking great!
Roza M
June 28, 2019Looking beautiful both of you. Wish your good luck with cute babies.
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June 29, 2019You look sensational babe, thanks for the update!
Amy Aed
June 29, 2019Oooh how exciting! I also love the images and the colours and everything – you both look so happy and lovely!
Have a great weekend π
Amy x Wandering Everywhere
June 29, 2019Aww! I love the way you referred to them as being little gummy bears haha – that’s SO cute! You look gorgeous in this dress by the way, Kelsey π
aglassofice.com x
June 29, 2019I am excited to hear about your journey so far! Wow, twins!!! Even though your feet/ankles swell when you stand, at least it is that rather than something worse. Sending you two LOTS OF LOVE!!
Nancy β₯ exquisitely.me
June 30, 2019How lovelyππππ
June 30, 2019Always love reading your pregnancy updates dear. Wishing you all the best!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
July 2, 2019I’m glad you are feeling great and starting to feel the babies move, that is so exciting! I hope you take as many babymoons as you can and soak up these last months before becoming a family of four!
Chic on the Cheap
July 3, 2019Awe yay you look so happy and radiant! Thats wild you aren’t not having that many negative symptoms!
December 16, 20241