Gryffindor Tie: Harry Potter World | Shirt: Asos | Skirt: Wayf | Sneakers: Jack Purcell | Purse: Kate Spade | Sunglasses: LeSpecs | Lipstick: Mac-Rebel
Visiting The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood has been on our bucket list, and we were so happy we recently got to visit here! If you ever get the chance to go spend the day here, do it!! Don’t forget to try the butterbeer too!

If you want to see more of Harry Potter World here is a vlog from our time there! We had my sister Amber, and her family there with us too so that was a great treat 🙂 Thank you for stopping by today! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Harry PotterUniversal StudiosUniversal Studios Hollywood
Maria Jose Gomez
January 11, 2017Lovely post and great pics
January 11, 2017looks like you guys had the best time! id love to visit one day 😀
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
January 11, 2017I can’t wait to be able to visit! It looks like you guys had so much fun and you look great!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
Victoria Fox
January 11, 2017Awww how fun is this post!!! You both look so stinking cute! hope you guys had a freaking blast!
Jane Fitfabfun
January 11, 2017You guys are the cutest! Love this fun place!
xo, Jane
January 11, 2017You two are so stinkin’ cute – I love Wizarding World! It’s been so longggg <3
-Clarissa @ The View From Here
Lu S
January 11, 2017Love the pics and the video, I felt like a kid 2 years ago at Orlando’s Wizarding World!
lu | http://www.cocoandlouis.me
January 11, 2017Great post! Nice place 🙂
January 11, 2017Ahhh!! This looks SO fun!!
Kylie Rodriguez
January 11, 2017Aw you guys look great!!! I’m so jealous ‘cos that’s definitely on my bucketlist of places to go to!!! I’m such a Potterhead lol <3
Julia Mazzucato
January 12, 2017That picture with your wands is so cute! I love the Wizarding World.
Julia・Little Miss Haute Couture
The Adored Life
January 12, 2017Oh my gosh how freaking fun! Kelsey, I can’t get enough of you in that green midi skirt!
The Adored Life
Face to Curls
January 12, 2017You two are just the cutest, I swear! Looks like you guys had such a great time! x
Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com
January 12, 2017Omg seriously I love you guys haha!:) My husband and I love Harry Potter and definitely need to take a trip here sometime. Love your photos!!
Jen Hsieh
January 15, 2017I just came across your blog and I just needed to let you know how incredible your outfits are and I have so much appreciation for them. That is all.
Personally, #TeamHufflepuff.
January 15, 2017You two are fabulous! Just discovered your feed and know I am hooked!!
January 17, 2017OMG I so waaant to go there! I am so annoyed that I don’t live in the States. If I were still a kid living there I would have been in that park everyday!
I loved your video, the place is just so ..magical!