We Are Moving
Well…… the word is out now, Jake and I are moving! I would of never guessed I would be writing this or putting a blog post like this together at 7 1/2 months pregnant but it’s happening! Jake accepted a new job and we are on to a new adventure! Yes it’s totally crazy moving a few weeks before the twins are supposed to arrive, but we felt so good about it all we decided to go for it!
We have absolutely LOVED our blue home and will really miss it and all the friends we have made here. (Thank goodness for social media to keep in touch now!) Jake and I built this home 6.5 years ago. Can you believe we were blogging back then? We actually blogged the entire home building process when we built. It has been such an amazing home for us and will always hold some great memories.
Today we thought we would share some photos from our home and our favorite things about it that made it feel home to us!
Entry Way
This is our front entry way! Jake hung these barn doors a few years after we moved in. It was quite the project but we LOVED how they turned out. You can read all about the barn doors here if you want to learn more 🙂
After my dad passed away I hung this black and white American flag. My father is someone who has some serious American pride and the flag always reminds me of him. He always put a flag sticker on every car he had, and would have little flags around his bookshelves, so I thought it was time I needed one in my home 😉
Jake picked out the cute hedgehog door mat from Crate and Barrel! We should of gotten a close up picture of him, but he will be coming with us to our next home so well have to get a picture of him there.
When we built our home, we really cared about lighting/fans and having unique pieces that we loved. We spent most of our extra budget on lighting and got all the neat fixtures from Restoration Hardware. With our new house we have debated on taking our fixtures with us because we love them so much, but we bought them all for this home and felt like they needed to stay here. So…… we are currently shopping for new ones for our new home! We weren’t planning on moving or buying a new home, so it will take awhile to get our new home where we want it, but it will be fun to start adding our touch to it.
Home Office
Our front room has gone through a lot of transitions to what it is now. For the first few years we lived here this room was empty until we decided to make it an office. I searched all over for a really cool wall desk that would fit 2 computers. We found this one at RH Baby and Child and have loved it. In our new home we thought we wouldn’t have room for it, and were going to sale it, but then found the perfect spot for it! I am so excited it can come with us to our next home. We are going to have it in a bedroom as a craft/coloring desk in our music room.
Before we had the desk delivered, we put up this fun wallpaper. This was our first wallpaper we put up in our home! First of many….. 🙂
The chairs and love seat in here are from TOV Furniture. Have you seen their furniture before?! They have some super cool unique furniture and really affordable prices! We only have room for the loveseat in our new place, so we are selling our 2 chairs and so sad to see them go! These are Zekes favorite chairs so I know he will miss them.
Their was a really cool fan in this room that we decided to take to our new home. It was our favorite fan, so we decided it would be our one fan/lighting piece we would take with us. We are planning on putting it out on our covered back patio in the new place.
Family Room
To be honest, I don’t think I have appreciated our family room as much as I should have the last 6.5 years living here. It is such a cozy and great space and we barely even used it! We spent most of our time upstairs in our bedroom or loft. This family room was a labor of love. Jake and I saved up for the furniture and put it all together piece by piece. I have always felt I rather have an empty home and save up for furniture I really love that are great quality and will last. We have had quite a few fun parties in this space and will miss it! My favorite time of the year in this space was Christmas! Having the tree up, holiday music going, a great fall diffuser scent in the air and snuggling with Zeke felt like “livin the life to me!”
Dining Room
The Dining area is another space we didn’t use very much! Jake and I ate most of our meals at the kitchen island or upstairs in the loft! hhaha, we are planning to use the dining nook in our new home though often with the girls. Having family dinners growing up were some of my favorite memories with my family!
Here is the cute kitchen! We really enjoyed having the white cabinets and see through sections as well. Can you believe we just barely put the glass in for them?!? ahahah, we should of done it years ago, but I guess when you get your house ready to sale you finally do a few little things around the place that should of been done long before!
Mud Room
This mudroom sure got a lot of great use! We dreamed we would have 4 kids and each one would have their own cubby to hang up backpacks here, but good things our next home has 4 cubbys slots too 🙂
There is also a really cute half bath to the left of here we didn’t get any pictures of, but it was probably the most used room on this floor! haahha When we built our home we kinda had a nautical vibe to it at first as so we choose some really cool marine sconces and large rope hanging mirror for the space. You can see it though in our home tour vlog below 🙂
Loft Room
This loft room is probably the 2nd most used room next to our master bedroom in the home. We have spent lots of fun times working, watching movies, hanging out with family/friends here, etc. When we built this home we could of done a bedroom here, but decided to do a loft instead. I wanted this area to feel open and have a place for kids to make a mess and and still be able to keep the downstairs clean and the mess upstairs. We didn’t add this accent wallpaper till later, but I just love how this room/vibe all turned out! This is a room I will really miss when the twins arrive for those late night feedings!
Guest Room
This guest room has been through quite a lot of transitions! First it was a sewing room for me back in the day when that is all I used to do. I actually had an etsy shop and would sell what I made at local boutiques. Still to this day I love sewing, but don’t bust out my sewing machine like I used too 🙂 Then this room turned into a work out room until we moved all our work out gear in the garage. Lastly it turned into our guest room. We used to have a full size bed in here, but anytime we have guests it usually is quite a few people at one time so we decided to get bunk beds. There were 2 sets of bunkbeds in here, but we moved out one set to stage the house better for house showings while we are selling our home. If you want to see what our guest room looked like with the 2 bunkbeds, you can see it all here. P.S. if you ever get bunkbeds, Beddys is the only way to go! Serious life savers for making beds!
Jake’s Man Cave
Although this room doesn’t look like a man cave, that is what it was for a few years! Well…. Jake’s closet 😉 On the far right wall we had a really cool closet unit that Jake used for all his clothes and there was a ton of shoe racks in here too. We changed it all up to look like a bed room for the house showings.
Nautical Guest Bathroom
Since our home started off pretty nautical, we thought having a nautical themed bathroom was a must! This shower curtain is my favorite! We got it at Anthropologie years ago and it has held up great! Jake and I are planning on keeping the nautical vibe bathroom in our basement bathroom in our new home.
Master Bedroom
My favorite room of the house! Really though! I sit on this bed and work here 99% of the time! Its really my happy place! Everything from all the Restoration Hardware furniture, brick walls, to having a big TV in here just make it the perfect room to me! Oh how I will miss this room. I am excited for our new bedroom though, but will miss how big this room is. Our cute metal dressers and chaise will not fit in our new room, but we do have some beautiful views and amazing window light in our next room. When we first moved into this room we had just a bed. It was a cute white metal framed bed from Ikea. We had that for 4 years until we had saved up for our dream bedroom furniture! It was all worth the wait for us! We love our furniture so much, I am grateful it will still fit the vibe of our new place too.
Master Bathroom
Here is our master bath. I don’t know if you can see the little black TV to the left. Jake was so cute and put that tv up for me so I could watch shows in the bath. Jake and I are huge bath lovers, and we are so grateful we have an awesome soaking tub in our new home. A lot of homes we looked at didn’t have bath tubs in the master! We were totally surprised, so having a tub in the master bathroom was a must for us!
Three Car Garage
Ah I love this garage! This is one thing I am really sad to leave on this home. We had oversized garage doors put on, there was lots of storage space, tall ceilings, it really has been a great garage! Jake and I hired someone to epoxy the floors and the paint the walls a few years ago, and have LOVED IT! We have it scheduled to get done in our new home too. This time right from the beginning so we can enjoy the garage a lot more from the start!
Home Tour Vlog
Well that is a wrap on our home tour! We will sure miss this home so much! It has been an amazing home but what we loved most was our neighbors and neighborhood! Thank goodness for social media, texting and calling to be able to stay in touch with everyone! We are grateful to be able to move as well though and felt really inspired it was what we needed to do for our family. Jake and I are so excited to start new family traditions with the twins and begin our new lives together soon! (only a few more weeks away! Wahoo!!)
aditi oberoi malhotra
August 21, 2019Your blue house is really beautiful and Congratulations on the new job!
Adi xx | http://www.fancycorrectitude.com
August 22, 2019This house is amazing!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
August 23, 2019This is gorgeous dear! Your house is lovely.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
August 27, 2019Your house is so beautiful must be sad to say goodbye to it! congrats on the new job though, all very exciting!
Hope that your week is going well so far 🙂
Bettye L Rainwater
September 23, 2019What a lovely home! But a new home is always exciting (well, if you WANT to move!) and I wish you all the best in your new place!