Having a baby shower soon?! We got you covered! Today we are sharing all the must have items to include on your registry. In addition to where to register and the best baby brands to pick!

One thing I have really been looking forward to is celebrating the coming of our two baby girls with loved ones! Putting together a baby registry can be super fun, but overwhelming. Today I wanted to make your job easy and put together all the baby must have items for your registry!
Coming from a family of all girls you would think I would know what to put on my baby registry, but I had no idea. All of my sisters have not had any new additions to their families or a baby shower in years, so this is a topic I have done TONS of research on.
I reached out to social media friends, neighborhood friends, etc. asking for recommendations on their favorite baby products and must have items! After hearing everyones responses I put everything into a excel sheet and looked into the items that had the most repeats from people. Then I looked up those items, read tons of reviews which led me to this point!
To be honest, I don’t want my house filled with tons of baby stuff. I want the good solid basics and products that we will be using everyday. Quality is really important to me as well as safety ratings of items that will last for years and years! We are also into eco friendly products when possible too! So let’s dive into everything you need to put on your baby registry and set you up for success.
Where to create a baby registry….
First off, let’s talk about where to register. There are tons of places so pick what works best for you and your lifestyle! Lots of different places offer free samples, discounts and fun things like that if you register with them. You honestly could spend hours and hours registering at places to get fun freebies! I had a friend say she registered everywhere so get all the freebies she could! The sky is the limit. I just picked 3 places to register but listed all of the places I have heard are the most popular to register:

When I asked people where they liked to register at, this was the place that a majority of people registered at. BabyList is online and it lets you add to your registry items from all different retailers and have it all in one spot. They also have a pretty nice sample box of goodies for you to if you register here.
For a baby registry at Target they have a really great return policy (1 year) as well as offer 15% off for any items that weren’t purchased on your registry but you still want to buy. The 15% I think can only be used once, but is a great way to grab any last minute items before your babe arrives.
Pottery Barn Kids
Ok I just have to say I am a huge Pottery Barn Kids fan! Their bedding, cribs, sheets, decor….all sooo cute! If you create a registry here with a with a worker, they give you a 20% coupon code you can use on all your purchases! I do have to say if you order furniture here…plan on paying a lot for that. Eeek! This is where we ordered all our nursery furniture from and had to pay $450 for shipping, but everything got delivered nicely, put together and was easy for us on our end! You can also get free nursery design here to if you need help putting together a nursery. If you are planning on ordering a lot from Pottery Barn Kids, you can also open up a Pottery Barn card that earns you back money on everything you spend. From ordering our furniture we were able to get $400 cash back which was enough to buy a car seat for one of the girls.
Crate & Kids
Crate & Kids baby registry is similar to Pottery Barn Kids. I haven’t really looked into this option, but several friends said they enjoyed registering here.
Buy Buy Baby
Creating a registry at Buy Buy Baby is a great place to get big ticket items like strollers, car seats, bouncers, etc. They have an amazing selection of products ranging for every price range, plus you can use 20% off coupons here too! I found certain brands you can’t use the discount for, but its worth checking out!
This is where I first created a registry and ended up not telling anyone about after I made it. Why?!?! Just in the 2 weeks I had made the registry and started working on invites for a baby shower half the items I had put in my registry were sold out or out of stock. I love how easy Amazon is and how friends/family can easily ship you anything you register for, but the item turn over rate on some items was a bummer. It is a great place to register though for family that is out of state and wants to send you a little something 🙂 I would just recommend looking at it regularly to make sure the items are still available or find alternatives.
I just love Walmart! They have really upped their game! You can get really high end products here online for your registry as well as items for any budget.
What to put on your baby registry….

Car Seat
I heard lots of great reviews about the Maxi Cozi, Greco, Chico and Nuna car seats. Since we are having twins we went with the Nuna Pipa Lite LX car seats because they are less than 6 pounds a seat and had AMAZING safety ratings. They are pricey at $400ish a car seat, but I knew with carrying two babies at a time, it was worth it to me to have lighter seats! Negative about this car seat though is the base is separate so if you are traveling at the airport you or someone else’s car you have to grab the base for it to be secure. The light weight on it though sold me so we ended up going with that!
Personally I wanted a cheap umbrella stroller which is small and compact, but with twins and weight limits, we went another route. We decided since these are our first kiddos, we would invest in a high end stroller that would hopefully last for all of our kids. The top stroller brands everyone told me to look into were the Uppababy Vista, Bugaboo Donkey, City Select, Thule Sleek and Nuna Demi Grow. I know there are a lot of great stroller brands out there, but these were the top 4 strollers I kept hearing about over and over.
Have you guys heard of the SNOO?! When Jake and I researched about these babies, we ordered 2 right away! Sadly they are only for the babies first 6ish months of their life, but I keep hearing over and over they are worth every penny. It’s a bassinet that is super high tech and is supposed to help your baby learn how to get into a sleeping routine. I also heard the Halo bassinets are super popular. If you don’t want to go the bassinet route the dockatots or a pack and play are a great option too!

Baby Sling
This just seems like a must to have around and while going out and about! The top brands I kept hearing about were Ergobaby and Solly Wrap.
There are lots of great options for bouncer/swings. The top ones I kept hearing about were the 4moms Mamaroo and Baby Bjorn. The Mamaroo looks awesome because you can turn it on and it will sooth and rock the baby. We ended up going with the Baby Bjorn because you can take it on the go with you easily and it responds really well to the babies own movements. I also really liked the look of it too. Love Taza recommended the Baby Bjorn and says her girls love it!
Changing Pad
A bunch of friends recommended the Keekaroo Peanut Changer pad. They said its easy to wipe clean from poopy diapers and keep looking nice. I had gotten one from our baby shower and havent had a chance to use it yet, but it looks like it will be awesome and really great quality! It’s also soft so I think the babies will like that.
Baby Monitor/Camera
There are so many options for baby monitors! Lots of moms said they liked the cheap $25 cameras on Amazon that link to your phone. Optics and Owlet were the two names I heard the most for a baby monitor. We have some friends that work at Owlet and were so sweet and hooked us up with monitors and cameras from there. The ratings on those are super cool and I keep hearing they Owlet monitors really give a lot of moms peace of mind when their baby is sleeping.

White Noise Machine
For car rides/travel the Baby Shusher and Hushh were to 2 everyone recommend. For a white noise machine in the nursery I heard Marpac was a great brand!
Infant Tub
I registered for both the Blooming Bath Lotus, Puj Tub because they looked great for different reasons. I got both at our baby shower and feel in love with each of them for different reasons. The Blooming Bath Lotus is darling and looks like a flower (cute photo opp 🙂 but it is soooo soft and snuggly! It will fit in a large kitchen sink and fit the babies needs very well! The Puj Tub is cool because it will fit in a small bathroom sink and is a soft material as well. It also folds up and will lay flat for storing or traveling!
If you are like me and this is your first kid/kids, this will be something you will want to add to your registry. Baby shampoo is much more gentle than adult shampoo and won’t irritate sweet babies eyes. I keep hearing amazing things about Tubby Todd, Honest, and Burts Bee’s.
Baby Bath Towels
To be honest I am not sure which bath towels I will love the most yet, but I just registered for basic ones from Target and Amazon! If you want super darling high end ones check out Pottery Barn Kids! They are sooo darling!
Bath Toys
The babies won’t be using these items the first bit of their lives but it would be nice to have bath toys and other goodies like that on hand! I also put on my registry a bath toys scoop, safety spout cover, and bath rinser.

High Chair
This isn’t something that is as urgent as a car seat but will be nice to have on hand for when your baby get a little older. For brands I heard Boon, Ikea, Bumbo, Phil & Teds Poppy were good ones. I am sure there are a million other great options to, but those brands kept coming up from friends!
This is something with twins I have no idea how many we will need, but will stock up on for sure! For brands Little Unicorn on repeat.
Bottles & Bottle Cleaning Supplies
These will come in handy right from the beginning I hear! For brand I have heard Dr. Brown, Comotomo, LifeFactory, and Advent are great!. Some other bottle items to consider bottle brush, drying rack, etc. A few friends recommended to buy a few bottles of each brand and see which ones your baby likes the best!
Nursing Pillow
Boppy and My Breast Friend were the 2 that seemed to be the most popular. For twins everyone kept saying My Breast Friend was a must. That the one we ended up going with.
Breast Pump
So I learned with a breast pump you can actually get one through your insurance after you have the baby. When you are at the hospital you can have your doctor write you a prescription for one. This is something though if you are going to be working after you have the baby and plan on breastfeeding you might want one for your office and one for home. So it could still be good to add to your registry. For brands I have heard the Medela and Spectra S2 Double Electric Breast pump rock!

Food Processor
This may or may not be something on your list. For me I really want to make my girls baby food and puree food so I put it on the registry. The Baby Bullet and Beaba both had really great reviews!
Some moms are into them, some aren’t. I want to give them a try to see if they can help the babies learn to self soothe. For brands I heard Bibs, Nuk, Mam are great!
Diaper Bag
If you google diaper bags there really are a million options! The two that everyone recommend were the Fawn and Freshly Picked Diaper bags. I went into a store and checked out both and ultimately decided to go with the Fawn. Both are great backpack options, but the Fawn does not have a flap and has a zipper top and that sold me. I don’t love a flap on my bags because its one extra step to get into them, so that is the biggest reason I choose Fawn. Both are great bags and would work for diffrent needs.
Diapers & Supplies
You can never have too many diapers I hear 🙂 Especially with twins! I heard the first few months babies go through about 8-10 diapers each a day. For brands it seems like Huggies, Pampers, Honest and Costco Kirkland brand were the most popular. I think I will sign up for the Honest subscription and get their diapers on the regular because they are eco friendly, and oh so cute!
There are so many product recommendations, so after a lot of research, these are the ones I picked for our registry. That may change after I use the products, but they all had really great reviews! For baby powder Burts Bees, Wipes Honest and Seventh Generation and diaper cream butt paste, Destin and Honest.

Have you seen the Little Unicorn, Aden & Anais swaddles!? They are so cute and have really fun prints!
Baby Sleep Sacs
If you are getting a SNOO they have special sleep sacs you will want to order with it. For sleep sacs on their own I heard Love To Dream Swaddle UP, Emma & Ollie and Swaddle Me were great.
Snot Sucker
I keep hearing the Nose Frida Snot Sucker is amazing! At first it seemed kinda gross to me, but after reading about it seems amazing!
Baby First Aid Kit
These baby first aid kits seem awesome because they comes with grooming supplies as well as a thermometer, nail clippers, brush, etc.!
Pack and Play
If you plan on hanging out side or going on adventures a pack and play will be really handy! Perfect travel crib!
There are lots of toy options for the first year of a babies life. I went with options that were multipurpose like a teether, rattle, music cube, stuffed animal blanket, etc. For books my neighborhood friends said their favorite author was Sandra Boynton. I got a few of her books at our baby shower and read them and they are super cute!
Ok there are seriously a million things you can put on your registry, but for me I wanted to put things that I could see myself using in our home. The nice thing about putting together a registry is anything you don’t get on your list from baby showers, you then know what you need to get before baby comes! I have some friends that put all their nursery furniture and items on their registry. For me, I wanted to get the nursery ready as soon as possible so I went ahead and bought all of those things in advance. I was glad I did because a few items I got in custom colors and took a few months to make. Just do what works best for you!
Is there any must have baby registry items you would recommend!? I would love to hear them in the comments below! Thanks for stopping by today! Hope you have a wonderful day!
The Exclusive Beauty Diary
September 8, 2019Such a great and informative post. Thank you so much for sharing.
New Post – http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/09/glamglow-thirstymud-hydrating-treatment_5.html
Ruth Josey
September 8, 2019My first thought was, “What the heck does a first-time mother-to-be know about what needs to be on a registry?” and then I saw that you had picked the brains of other Mom bloggers. That’s the perfect way to do it. Your suggestions were all wonderful and included all price ranges (though I think the person that just gets you the snot sucker doesn’t get invited to any more gift-giving events). Gift cards to these places are always a wonderful gift, too, since the big-ticket items will usually be from the prospective grandparents or a group-gift effort. Baskets including the small items are great, too, since a lot of the items will be expendable. And diapers. I think the important thing is to let people know if you want cloth or disposable, though I think if you want cloth, limit the quantity because you may decide pretty quickly to switch to disposable 😛 I sat near a little one in a restaurant this morning and thought of you guys. I’m so glad everything is going well and I’m so happy for you!
September 9, 2019Ah there are so many things that you need AND don’t need. It’s fun to see what things people recommend and then just seeing what works for you! Boppy was definitely my best friend in the first year!
September 11, 2019Perfect baby registry!! You are going to be all set and ready for your girls!
xx, Elise
September 13, 2019so many goodies for mama and baby!! I love that diaper bag 🙂 Have a fab weekend!
xo, allie
September 15, 2019These are all great things to add to your shower registry! I will say, for clothes, to ask for some sizes bigger than newborns! Both my sons were out of the newborn phase quite quickly and it was hard to make sure they’d worn everything before outgrowing it, haha!
Hope that you had a great weekend! 🙂
Away From Blue
Cristiane A Santos
September 15, 2019It is so important to get the things you need One item that really helped me with my twin boys was a swing that moved by itself it was a life saver xoxo Cris
September 16, 2019I wish I had this list when I was pregnant with my little guy. Having to be pregnant the first time I don’t think I paid attention much to what I unwound actually need. I can say yes that we used all of these items once baby was born. I’ll pass this along to friends who are expecting and I am getting excited to seeing your baby girls!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
September 16, 2019Thanks for sharing this. My sister is due in a couple of months and i’m sure she will find this very helpful.
aditi oberoi malhotra
September 17, 2019That’s an amazing read! You’ve created a fabulous list, hon.
Adi xx | http://www.fancycorrectitude.com
Kathrine Eldridge
September 20, 2019I remember the days of all these gadgets! Now my boys are 17 and 14! I think all of these superb picks for your registry!
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