[bigletter custom_class=””]Hey Hey Hey! Happy New Year!!! We are so excited for what is in store in 2019! IFV, hopefully pregnancy, new family additions, and travel as much as we can! Or just having fun staying at home with our cute dog Zeke! We have never really been ones for new years resolutions but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have value. We try to write down our goals every day in a notebook we keep by our bedside. Sure there are some overarching goals that span over the year, but we find that our focus and priorities are constantly changing. We just love to keep going going going![/bigletter]
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So what sort of tips do we recommend when setting goals? Check them out below!
Write your goals down!
If they aren’t written down, and all you do is say them, that won’t have the same effect. There is something about the human mind that internalizes things better when we write them down. Remember taking notes in school? That is a proven way to help you remember something better!
Write your goals as if they have already happened!
Instead of writing “I want to earn a million dollars per year” write, “I earn a million dollars per year”. This act of talking about your goal as if it has already come to pass can literally change your mindset. This is optimism at it’s finest and by being positive and confidently saying that you have achieved your goal, it breaks down mental barriers that could slow your progress down or make you quit.
Post your goals where you can see them every day!
A whiteboard works great! Or a notebook that you look at every day when you wake up and every evening before you go to bed. Dry erase marker on your bathroom mirror. Make a poster or a vision board of all your goals and aspirations and put it by the door.
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Tell everyone about your goals!
This will keep you accountable. Tell them to your spouse, your boss, your family. Later on, they’ll ask you about your progress. Ask them to follow up with you too! The more people you tell, the more driven you’ll be to get it done!
Set unrealistic goals!
Ask yourself, would you rather set a simple, easily attainable goal? Or would you rather set a goal that is impossible to achieve but you’ll get close to or even attain it? Setting easy to reach goals won’t help you be your best. An unrealistic goal will help you stretch to be a better person and even if you come up short, you’ll get more done than you would with that other wimpy goal. If you’re going to get something done, go big or go home!
Put in the Maximum effort!
It seems common sense, but you can’t achieve your goals without execution. Most people don’t achieve their goals because they underestimate the amount of effort and actions required to get the job done. Plan on needing to put in more work and actions than you originally think.
Don’t plan, just execute!
Yeah, you could take time to put together a game plan and make nice calendars with deadlines and milestones, but why not spend your energy taking the first actions! Make those phone calls, write up and send those emails to get the ball rolling! Start practicing your training classes right now! Many times I find myself putting so much effort and time into creating a schedule and game plan when I really should just go for it. As long as you keep the end target in sight, you won’t derail or get distracted or take an action that won’t help you get there.
[blockquote custom_class=”” size=”25″ line_height=”32″]What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.
Nina Nguyen
January 1, 2019Great post! Happy New Year!
xx- Nina
January 2, 2019I definitely need to write down my new year’s resolution, so I can see it everyday and work towards my dreams!
Happy new year :))
Lots of love ♥ January Girl
January 2, 2019Such a cute post and love all the photos!! Happy New Year!
January 2, 2019Oh I love these fun photos of you guys! And what great ideas to motivate in the new year!
District of Chic
Amy Arnold
January 2, 2019Great ideas and I love these fun photos!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
January 2, 2019Super cute photos! Here’s to us and achieving our goals this year!
January 4, 2019This is such a wonderful read dear, and I love everything you said here, especially on setting unrealistic goals. That’s the law of attraction right there!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
January 4, 2019I’m so bad at this, my plans usually don’t work out, except last year when I finally managed to get my ”dreams come true” for the first time <3
Andreea Claudia
January 4, 2019Wow! You both look amazing. I love your red suit, it looks so gorgeous on you. Great post as always!
xo, Andreea
January 5, 2019This is such good advice, and what a fun red jumpsuit! 🙂
Happy new year! Hope that the first week of 2019 is off to a great start for you and you are having a nice weekend 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
The Exclusive Beauty Diary
January 6, 2019Happy New Year! You look so gorgeous and this is great post! I really enjoy reading it because I did the same and wrote down all of my goals for this year! Would you like to follow each other? If the answer is yes, please subscribe on my YouTube channel and left comment & I’ll follow you back on your blog.
Blog – http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/search/label/en
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdX-b4gNzEE
Christie Brown
April 15, 2021I can’t peruse articles online regularly, however I’m happy I did today. This is very elegantly composed and your focuses Cheerios Letterman Jacket are all around communicated. Kindly, absolutely never quit composing.