There are so many baby products on the market, it’s hard to know what to buy for your babe! What works, what’s worth the money, etc. Today I am sharing all of my must have baby products that we use daily and that I would recommend to any parents out there!

Today I am so excited to share this blog post on my must have baby products! I have been working on this blog post for the last 9 months! When I recommend items, I want to make sure I have put them to the test and they really are items we use daily! There are so many baby products out there on the market, it can be hard to know which ones to buy for your babe. These are all of my favorite baby products that me and my girls use regularly and would recommend to any parents out there!
When I am shopping for baby products, I always ask around. I find that recommendations from other parents/friends on products they have loved really helped! After I ask around, I do research on products and then buy them and put them to the test.
With baby products, it’s important to me to find products that are safe, high quality, affordable, will last, and we plan to use daily. There is nothing worse than spending a lot of money and having that item sit there unused. Thanks so much for stopping by today for my must have baby products!

- Cherish Nail File– GAME CHANGER!!! No need to try and clip little baby nails, just file them with this electric file!
- Nose Frida– This may sound gross, but it works AMAZING! The Nose Frida is a snot sucker that you use suction from your mouth to suck out the snot from your babies nose. There is no way the snot can get to your mouth, but the suction power really works amazing to get out all that snot.
- Nasil Spray- We have tried 2 brands that have worked really well! We color coordinate our girls things so the green and pink colors worked out perfectly!
- Puj Tub– I can’t say enough good things about this baby bath tub! It lays flat to store it, is super soft, fits in a standard size sink, and our babies loved it!
- Soap- We were gifted a ton of different brands of baby soap so it was fun getting to try out a lot of different brands. Our favorite that we have tried so far is Baby Dove. I love how it leaves our girls skin feeling, how it dispenses, and the texture of the actually soap. It cleans really great to, and I like the smell. Our favorite Baby Dove soap is the Calming Nights. I have also heard Tubby Todd is a great brand but haven’t had a chance to try that out.

- SNOO Bassinets– Have you heard about the SNOO bassinet?! When I learned about it, I knew these were a must for our girls! I admit… they are pricey, but they are worth every penny! Plus you can resell them when you are done using them, or there is even a rental option. You can read our full review about SNOOs here.
- Penguin Binky Holder– Davey is a huge fan of her binky holder. It’s great because if she is looking for her binky, she is able to find it because of the penguin! This binky clip has velcro so you can take off and wash the penguin.
- Owlet Monitor– Jake’s band mates were so sweet and gifted us Owlet monitors for our girls. We had heard about these before because we knew some friends who worked for Owlet and raved about them. I wish we started using these sooner with our girls! We didn’t start using these till our girls were 6 months old, but wish we would have started to use them sooner. Essentially they are little monitors that go on your baby’s foot. It monitors oxygen levels and heart rate. If anything happens, the monitors will notify you of a problem. This has helped us sleep more peacefully at night.
- DockATot Deluxe– For naps our girls used DockATots. I loved being able to swaddle my girls and know they were cozy! We also have a SnuggleMeOrganic (which I love) but it ended up starting to feel too small around 5 months so we ended up getting a second DockATot. The only thing I don’t love about the DockATots is the covers are a little time consuming to take on and off, but that’s where the Bamboo liners come in handy. I share about those below!
- V-Tech Audio Monitor– I can’t tell you enough how much I love these! We have tried video monitors and still haven’t found a super reliable one. The v-tech audio monitors are amazing to have around the house when your babe is sleeping.
- Marpac Sound Machine– This sound machine is amazing! We love it so much, we bought a second one. It works amazing, and is easy to travel with too!
- Little Unicorn Sleep Sacks– When we transitioned our girls from their SNOO Bassinets to their cribs I was worried how the transition would go. In the SNOO’s the girls are swaddled up pretty tight and cozy and I was worried my girls would miss that feeling. We got the Little Unicorn sleep sacks for our girls and they did the trick! We also like the Ergo Baby sleep sacks but those are harder to find in bigger sizes than 0-6 months.

- Favorite Diapers- Our favorite brands are Huggies, Honest & Kirkland. A friend recently told me about Kirkland (Costco brand) diapers and said they are just like Huggies diapers. No joke, they really are, and they work great and are such a great price! That is is what have been using lately.
- Favorite Wipes– Seventh Generation and Pampers Sensitive are my favorite. The 7th Generation wipes are super thick so they are really good for cleaning a big poo. Both of these wipes are pretty good at pulling out one wipe at a time, and the wipes don’t tear on you!
- Diaper Genie Complete– This has been a game changer for us with our girls! At first we used a garbage bag and would take it out at the end of the night, but the smell would get really stinky. With the Diaper Genie the odors are locked in, so it keeps those stinky diapers at bay.
- Diaper Genie Refills– Normally I am not a fan on scented products, but for the diaper genie liner refills, get scented. Just trust me on this one!
- Changing Pad– A friend recommend this changing pad and I have loved it! It’s a great material, grippy on the bottom so it works great on lots of different surfaces.
- Bamboo Changing Pad– A friend gifted us a pack of these liners/changing pads and they were a game changer for us! We lined everything thing with them. DocATots, bassinets, etc. Its easier to clean a liner then all the bedding from spit up/blow outs, etc. These are great too for the diaper bag!
- OnGuard Oil– We have been using doTERRA essential oils on our girls since they came home from the hospital. OnGuard is an amazing oil that helps the immune system. Especially with Covid going on right now I would recommend this oil. If you buy it in a roller from doTERRA it comes diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil, so its ready to use on your babe. Just roll a little on your babe’s feet during diaper changes to help their immune system.
- Tamer Oil– This is another doTERRA oil that helps with upset stomach. If you babe needs help working on a poo, is bloated or gassy, this will do the trick. Rub a little on your baby’s belly to help.
- Hand Sanitizer– Babyganics a foaming hand sanitizer in a mandarin scent and it is the best thing since sliced bread! It doesn’t leave your hands feeling dry, smells amazing, and works great! I also love Honest Grapefruit hand sanitizer spray for the diaper bag. I like that it has alcohol in it for on-the-go for an extra strong clean.
- Aquaphor– You can literally use this for everything! Chapped lips, diaper rash, dry skin, etc. A tube of this will last you forever too! We have a large tube and it’s been 10 months and we haven’t even made a dent in it.
- Eczema Cream– I love the Baby Dove Eczema cream. It doesn’t have steroids in it and is still effective. Davey had some eczema and it worked amazing and quick!
- Lotion– This is another category I have tried lots of products out. Once again my favorite is Baby Dove. The Calming Nights one is my go-to with the girls.

- Bottle Drying Rack– We wash all our bottles by hand and just found that is easier for us. I really like the BOON drying rack! They work super great and can store a ton of bottles on them, which is a must with 2 babes worth of bottles! We also got the accessories to go with it for more drying space.
- Bottle Dish Soap– Babyganics has an awesome baby dish soap. We have been using it since the girls were born, and have stuck with it, we love it so much!
- Munchkin Sponge Bottle Cleaner– We have used this bottle cleaner and it has been great. I just saw BOON came out with a cactus themed bottle cleaning set I just added to my amazon cart! haha 😉
- Formula– We have been using formula since our girls came home from the hospital. You can read all about my experience breastfeeding twins here. The hospital had Simulac so that is what we used, then Scout was getting an upset stomach so we put her on Simulac Pro-Sensitive. A sale was going on with Enfamil Enspire, so we switched Davey to that. Later we discovered Costco Kirkland brand and use that now with both girls. Our main reason for switching to Kirkland brand was it had good ingredients in the formula, plus the price can’t be beat! I will say though, I do think the Kirkland brand can made your babes poop more solid and thick. So be aware of that to make sure your babe isn’t getting constipated.
- Bottles– We have tried quite a few different bottle brands. All did the trick but the ones we loved the most and stuck with were Comotomo. If you have twins and are using bottles, these are amazing because the rings come in 2 colors. Scout and Davey were on different formulas for a few months so it was nice to be able to know who’s bottle is who’s. I also love the matte finish, small size and feeling of the bottles.

- Ergo Baby 360 Carrier– We have a few Ergo Baby carriers but the 360 style is our favorite! It works super great for any way your babe wants to face. This is Jake’s favorite baby carrier. The girls love it to!
- Solly Wrap– This was my favorite when our girls were super little. I feel like once they hit 5-6 months they grew out of these though. But I love how close the babes would be and how soft and snuggly it felt when I would wrap them up. These wraps are a little pricey but I think they are worth the money and sooo easy to travel with! When I am out with the twins by myself, I feel like I always need to have a carrier on hand with me. This one folds up nicely and fits in the diaper bag.
- Binky Clips- The ones I bought we have loved but I do think they were overpriced at $14 each. I found a 4 pack for $10, not sure the quality, but the reviews looked good!
- Diaper Bag– There are lots of great diaper bags out there. I asked around before I bought a few and everyone said they liked the Fawn and Freshly Picked. I have used the Fawn for the first 6 months and it worked great, but with twins I felt like I didn’t have enough space. Recently I switched to a Ju-Ju-Be B.F.F. diaper bag and I love it! The bag is also machine washable which I love! It’s structured, but flexible material, lots of pockets and room to store stuff for 2 babes. (I ordered 2 different Freshly Picked diaper bags over a year ago…and they are still working on making them… they were a special Mickey Mouse print… so someday if those ever arrive, I’ll let you know how those styles compare.)
- Car Seats– We got the Nuna Pipa Lite LX car seats and have loved them! I knew I might need to go to doctors appointments with the girls by myself so I needed light car seats and a compatible compact stroller! So glad we went with these car seats. The special features on them like having a place to tuck the buckles in while you set your baby in the seat, etc are worth the extra money. Plus these are only 6 pounds each, super safe, and cute for a car seat!
- Stroller– After lots of research we went with the Thule Sleek stroller. If you are looking for a compact, sturdy, easy to use stroller that can grow with you family, we would totally recommend it! We have taken it with us to Disneyland and on a few adventures and it has been awesome!
- Diaper Genie Caddy– After traveling a few times without a diaper genie, we knew it was time to get a portable one. This one is great because it has spots to hold diapers, wipes, and ointments as well. It has a handle for easy carrying and helps keeps a guest room fres when traveling.

- Rockers- We have the Baby Bjorn and Mamaroo Rocker but our favorite is the Fisher Price Rocker. Not only is the price fantastic but the cover is easy to wash! My girls still love playing with this chair and they are 10 months now. I love how wide the chair is, how it has built in toys on it, and the price!
- Bumbo Chair– If you have twins this is something I recommend getting two of. These have been life savors for us. I feel like these really helped my girls learn how to sit up. If you need to hop in the shower and have your baby strapped down in a chair, this is a great option. Our girls love sitting in these and have a basket of toys by them that they can pick out whatever they want to play with.
- Boppy Infant Newborn Lounger– A friend gifted us one of these and it was the best thing ever for feeding my girls! If you have twins, I highly recommend getting one of these. The thing I liked about it was it props up the baby a bit. My girls really liked this seat I ended up buying a second one. Plus the price is fantastic on them!
- Monica & Andy– This has quickly become a favorite place to buy baby clothing. The girl’s moon outfits are from here. They have the softest, organic clothing, fun styles and prints. Plus they have affordable baby clothes that are super high quality.
- Hanna Anderson– I like to buy pjs from here because they have family matching sets! How fun is that?! These are thicker though, so in the summer I prefer Monica & Andy. But I love these pj’s and get them a lot for my girls.
- Target– There are always lots of fun target finds for kids clothes! Their Cat and Jack brand is so cute!
- Gap– BabyGap is soo cute! Great quality, always having sales, plus they partner with Disney often! Baby Gap dresses always come with matching “underwear” to cover a diaper.
I shop lots of other places for my girls, but these are my 4 go-to’s!

- Stretchy Blankets- Our favorites we have tried and used for our girls and loved Copper Pearl, Village Baby, Cozies, and Saranoni. I know a lot of people like the muslin blankets, but I really loved to stretchy blankets and they work so good for swaddling too.
- Thick Blankets– For walks when it’s chilly, I like to use the Monica and Andy blankets. They also come in the cutest prints ever! The blankets are the perfect size to bundle a babe/toddler up and keep them cozy in a stroller.
- Detergent– We have have tried out a few and our favorite has been Babyganics. It’s not hard on clothes, but does a really great job in the wash. Like I mentioned before, I don’t love scents and this one has no smell to it. I have tried the lavender Babyganics detergent and love that one as well.
- Stain Remover– No joke this is the best stain remover ever! I have tried tons throughout my life, and by far this Puracy Natural Baby Stain Remover is my favorite! Plus it’s plant based, so thats even better in my book!
- Toy/High Chair Cleaner– This is another Puracy product that I love! It’s non toxic which is really important to me when cleaning surfaces they eat off of or play on. I feel like all of Puracys products last and go a long way.

- Flower Interactive Play Mat– Not only is this the cutest play mat but it’s super functional too. Tons of crinkle flowers, pop ups, things to grab, etc. My girls are 10 months old and still love playing with this play mat. Scout is obsessed with the bee on it!
- On The Go Play Mat– This is a great play mat to take on the go. I like the vegan faux leather on the back and is perfect for grass. In addition you can use this as a splat mat when your baby starts eating solids.
- Crocheted Animal Wooden Play Gym– When I found this on Etsy I knew I had to get it for my girls right away! When my girls were little babies I would have this by them so they could look at all the fun things. As they got older they would have fun shaking the rattles in the items. Then as they were sitting up I would put them in their Bumbo chair and they would have fun pulling and playing with everything.
- Jelly Cat Bunny Rattle– These are the softest rattles ever! Plus they wash great in the washing machine. (Just let them air dry after a wash) We have a few different animals in these rattles but the bunny I can tell in my girls favorite. They love playing with the long soft ears and sucking on them.
- Berry Teether– We love the shape, texture and color combo on this teether! Perfect size for little hands to hold.
- Baby Banana Teether– Fun shape, good for baby gums, cute design. My girls love this!
- Octopus Teether– Lots of fun legs to chew on. This is Scout’s go-to teether.
- Crinkle Book– Super cute book, Davey would lay on her back and play with this book for 30 mins at a time.
- Unicorn Tails Book– I wish I would have gotten this book sooner for my girls. I bought it about a month ago, and the girls are obsessed! They love how it crinkles and they love playing with all the tails. This book also has a velcro loop that you can attach on a car seat/stroller, etc.
- Ball Rattle Teether– A friend got this for the girls and it quickly became a favorite toy! It has a rattle in it, is super soft to chew on, and has lots of fun components to play with.
- Crinkle Fish– This is another toy a friend got for the girls. It’s a big squish, soft fish that crinkles, has a fun matching game on it and has fish scales to lift up and play with.
- Music Owl– This wobbly owl is so much fun for our girls to play with. We love the different sounds and music that it plays.
- Music Cube– Love Taza recommended this toy and not only do the girls love it, I love it! It’s so fun to hear the different instrument parts from a song. This cube lights up too!
Thanks so much for stopping by today! Do you have any favorite baby products you couldn’t live without?! I would love to hear all about them in the comments below. Hope you have a great day!
April Nunez
April of:
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