Going through In Vitro Fertilization soon?! Sharing my IVF essentials that I couldn’t live without! These items were super useful during the IVF process, and what I would recommend for anyone going through the process.
Hi Friends! I have had a lot of you reach out and mention you are going through infertility and your next step is IVF. Today I wanted to create a post that will help prepare you for everything you need to have a positive experience and be ready for the adventure! So today I wanted to share my IVF essentials that I actually used and thought were necessities during the process!
If you know someone going through IVF, some of these could be great gift ideas if you are looking how to support a friend 🙂

IVF Essentials
Journal/Gratitude Book
During this process you will see tons of tender mercies from God if you are looking for them. Take time to document your experience and what you are grateful for during the process. This will be great to have to look back at and share with your future kids too. A journal is a great way to do this, a note tab on your phone, or a blog, etc.
Cozy PJs
During the IVF process I lived in pjs! I really took this time to rest and try and have as much fun as possible. Comfy pjs are always a good idea! Buy yourself a few new pairs of pjs, and make them your good luck jammies!
Your A Bad*** Book
In general this book rocks and is a fun read. When you are going through this IVF process, it’s good to be reminded daily how awesome you are, how tough you are, and how you got this! I had this book on audible and also loved The 5 Second Rule, & The Happiness Advantage book as well and loved listening to snippets of it everyday. Start each day off feeling your mind with positivity!

For Injections
Gause Pads
When you order your injections these typically don’t come with gause pads. These are great to have on hand each day for when you do your injections. P.S. Injections were so much better than I thought they would be! YOU GOT THIS!
Frankincense Essential Oil
This is an incredible oil and one I honestly feel is a MUST! Frankiensce is a great anti inflammatory and really helps with bruising. Jake would put Frankincense on my belly everyday after injections. It really helped my stomach heal and recover each day. I like buying these oils in a roller form so they are super easy to apply! We would just roll the oil right on my belly where we put the injection.
DigestZen Essential Oil
Ok this will seriously become your best friend during the rest of your IVF process! I kept this oil by my night stand, and one in my purse. A lot of the injections and medications can make you bloated. Rubbing this oil on your belly will help with all of that. I put this oil on a couple times a day. Just roll it on your belly anytime you are feeling bloated, gassy or need to work anything out!

For the Egg Retrieval
Cozy Socks
For the procedure you will want these. Bring a pair of fluffy cozy socks to keep you warm.
Cute Cozy PJ’s/Robe/Baggy Pants
You will want to wear something cozy to your procedure so when you get dressed again you’ll be in comfy clothes. You may be a little bloated after your appointment so stretchy pants is a great option.

Electric Heat Pad
This has been the best purchase ever! A friend recommend picking one of these up, and I still use it all the time! I lived with this heat pad on 24/7 for a few days! It was a life savor for sure! (Make sure to confirm this is ok to use with your doctor. Mine recommend heat pads.)
DigestZen Oil
I mentioned this oil above but wanted to mention it again because you will want it around for sure! Keep applying the DigestZen oil on your belly to help with bloating and working everything out. Also being under anesthesia can cause constipation, so this is another great reason to be using this oil every few hours on your belly.

Good Entertainment
This is a time to really just relax and have some you time! Really though… LIVE IT UP!! Whoop whoop! Have some good tv series lined up to watch. Catch up on movies, read a book, or play some games! I was obsessed with playing Mario Kart on the Switch! haahhaa Snuggle up in your blanket and enjoy as much as you can!
I can not stress enough on having electrolytes on hand. Your body will most likely be a little sore and swollen and the electrolytes really help get your body replenish and restored. Coconut water, Propel (kiwi strawberry is my fav), Nunn Tablets, etc. are all great calorie efficient options.

For the Embryo Transfer/Princess Days
With your embryo transfer you will want most of the same things as you did for your egg retrieval except the heat pad.
Try and clear out your schedule as much as possible and just enjoy a few days of relaxing. This is the most exciting time as your embryo/embryos are back inside you where they belong! Just focus on the positive and filling your mind with lots of good thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by today. These IVF essentials were a life savor for me and hope they help you too. If you are going through IVF and need a buddy please reach out. I would love to cheer you on! Have a great day!
Want to see more of our IVF journey? You can check out all our vlogs here and blog posts below:
- Our Journey- Starting IVF
- First Month Of IVF
- Month Two- Stim Injections
- Month Two- Put A Baby In Me!
- Did IVF Work For Us?- We’re Pregnant
- We Are Having Twins!
- 4 Things That Made A Difference In Our IVF Process
- Tips For Doctors Appointments During Infertility
- How To Stay Positive During Infertility Struggles
Elizabeth Walker
August 14, 2020Such a cute couple! I love your picture!
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Gata Collins
August 14, 2020The Electric Heat Pad sounds interesting! I’ll give it a try this winter! Thanks for sharing!
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February 27, 2024What are the gauze pads for? I’m so glad I randomly stumbled upon this. I don’t know anyone who has done IVF so I didn’t know about swelling or uncomfortableness. Gah am I the only one that constantly cries through this!?